Hey Legends, just me again.
So 2020 is almost done and dusted, who would ever have thought at this time last year we were about to go through what we did? It has been one crazy year.
So the year started awesome, Coach Bodey did an early competition in Melbourne and was in the early stages of preparing to tackle the IBJJF Gi Worlds for the first time.
Not long after that we took our biggest comp team ever away to a comp, from memory we had twenty something people compete. It was and exhausting but amazing day from our little club.
About two weeks after this is when the shit started to hit the fan in regards to Covid-19 reeking havoc on life as we knew it in Australia. We went through our first lock-down, 12 weeks I think the first one was, it was hard but we got through it, as a family mine was blessed at this time as we had our oldest come home and live with us for 4 months so that was awesome.
Then we finally started to get back to some sort of normality, we were allowed to have limited numbers train outside so we started our first ever Boot camps, which were a great success. Not long after kids were allowed to train inside so our kids program started back up and it was soooo good seeing all the youngsters back on the mats learning and having fun. Unfortunately Adults never got back to training after that first lock-down, only non contact solo drills. No matter how much I tried to sell it to you guys....you didn't enjoy it and I can understand that.
Unfortunately that normality didn't last long, we were back into lock-down and this time it was so much harder for us to digest in regional Vic with no cases, but we did the right thing and abide by all the rules and regulations put in place. It seemed to go on forever that second lock-down but we finally got through it, we were finally allowed to contact train as of the 18th of November, for the Adults it was 7 months of no Jiu Jitsu....if you train Jits you can understand how hard that is, it's not just a sport or a Martial Art, it's a lifestyle.
We got a small block of training in and then had our first ever Mildura Open Jiu Jitsu Competition, and I was blown away by the level of Jiu Jitsu on display, as was Cooper who came up to help ref the event. It was a huge success, super stressful for myself but it will be the first of many.
We finished off the year with a Pie night for the kids, A night out for the Adults and our Grading and Awards night. Despite being such a crappy year we finished it off amazingly.
This was our third year in operation (plus 1 year under my old coach), we were closed a lot but you, our Members stuck by us and we are forever Grateful.
Thank you to our Coaches who donate their time to help us, George, Cooper, Stephen, Bodey, Nacinta, Kate & Jenelle.
We are back into full training from the 11th of January, get involved and make your lives so much more enjoyable. Thank you again, Have a Fantastic New year, stay safe and we shall see you soon.
Mildura BJJ Team